A top-down shooter arcade-style game, paying homage to the greatest movie ever made: Blazing Saddles.

Take on the role of Sheriff Bart (or the best I could do at animating him on horseback), and shoot down Lyle, Taggart, Hedey Lamarr (it's pronounced Hedley), and Mongo, while avoiding a shitload of dimes. 

Listen for audio signals to find powerups for your weapon! (Hint: think about what Sheriff Bart uses in the movie as weapons)

Please use the in-game menu for controls

Music and soundbites courtesy of the movie (and 101soundboards.com). Scripts and logic made with the help of another tutorial from GameDevTV. The terrible pixel art and animations were made by yours truly (it was my first time so I'm not sorry they suck).

Unfortunately, the game was made with a 9:16 aspect ratio in mind, so the bottom of the UI cuts off. I am very sorry for that. I am also probably not going to fix it. 

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