Quick game made in 48 hours for Kenney Jam 2023. Locate the checkpoints and complete your map to unlock secrets! Music and lightning change as your list of checkpoints whittles down. Make use of the pause button (esc) after you find a few checkpoints *wink* *nudge*

W/S -> Move forward/backward
A/D -> Rotate left/right
Spacebar -> jump
M -> Open/close map
ESC -> Pause/open pause menu (check here as the lights change)

The first thing I thought of when I thought about exploration was the ocean, and the second was space. And then I thought about how every time I pass through an unfamiliar neighborhood in Chicago, it feels like I'm in a completely different city, and I have a strong urge (that I ignore) to get out of the car/train/bus and walk around.

I also thought about how, when I first moved here, everything was big, loud, and overwhelming compared to the comfort of my home town. I tried (big emphasis on "tried") to capture that feeling of loneliness,  powerlessness, and otherness when moving from a small town to a big city. 

Kenney.nl, for all of the beautiful assets.

Big BIG thank you to Brian Davenport for the music. I sincerely hope you suffer through the game if for no reason other than to hear his music. Check out his YouTube endeavors

Source Code

God knows why you'd want this, but here it is: https://github.com/foremansj/subUrban-Explorer

Development log

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